Netherlee Scottish Country Dance Journal.

 Official Website                                                                                                    Created Nov 2003.

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TORRIDON CROSS (The)—––--------J4x48*

(3s & 4s start opp sides)

 1- 8  1s4s cross RH, cast to middle (2s3s step Up/Dn); 1s4s LH wheel to fin facing diag out (1M faces 1W's pos'n, 1s face 2s, 3s face 4s:

 9- 12  1s2s and 3s4s turn RH Rt Rnd then 1s&4s dance across the set to face next anticlk corner (1M faces 1M pos'n, 1W faces 4M pos'n, 4M faces 4W pos'n, 4W faces 1w pos'n;

13-16  1s4s set to corners then partner (as 'Hello-Goodbye') to fin BktoBk in centre 4s facing diag Up, 1s facing diag Dn:

17-28 all interlocking diag Rof4 give LH across in centre to fin as started (2 bars to dance In & 2 bars to dance out, take 4 bars at corners):;

29-36 1s4s dance RSh Rnd corners into centre then RH wheel, retain partner's RH, 1s turning to face Dn, 4s Up:;

37-40 1s4s cross out thru ends then cast Up/Dn to fin 24(1)(3):

41-48 all turn partner RH, all ½ circle to L to fin 31(4)(2): New cpls. Good Luck!

John Brenchley. The Other Kangaroo Paw.