Netherlee Scottish Country Dance Journal.

 Official Website                                                                                                    Created Nov 2003.

Thanks to Private Eye …

We are here - to find us click on the map ....

folder name netherlee07 Fast Access to Pitlochry Website Fast Access to Red Deer Club Website

Caution !!   There are now no reservations about Windows 10 functionality however there is still a lack of privacy issue - click here… to see comments…

Fast Access to Mickel Club Website

Save this page as a ‘favourite’ and use it with the ‘other sites’ link in the menu bar above to access all Scottish country dance activities in Scotland  -  just if you want to!

Click here  for crib

sheet abbreviations

Fast Access to Red Deer Website

This developing website journal will support the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in

its efforts to promote Scottish Country Dancing in the UK and throughout the world!

The basic aims of the journal are:-

Fast access to the Mickel, Martice, Pitlochry and Red Deer websites are provided.

This new site evolved from the ex-Netherlee site and recognises the Netherlee Scottish Country Dance

 Club’s proud history by providing an account of its history and providing access to its photograph Gallery.



 1.  Looking forward to the Inverness Highland Ball on 29/3/25 and Perth & Perthshire’s Centenary Ball on 4/4/25 - more great nights!!

 2.  Especially impressive is the Ericht night on 21/2/25 with a 20 dance prg and music from David Oswald - and I think they still quick-call every dance!!! What has the east of Scotland got which is absent in the West?!

 3.  It was a very good night at Stirling Castle Club’s fortnightly dance on 8/2/25 in Bridge of Allan Parish Church Hall with their usual very good 18 dance programme and music from the legendary Colin Dewar’s Band – Colin, Gus & Alasdair!! Brilliant stuff!!

 4.  Not to be missed - Dunfermline Branch is host to The Ribble Valley dancers on Friday 28/3/25 - note the night begins at 7.00 pm in Dunfermline High School. Also in Dunfermline is their Spring Dance in the Abbeyview Hub on Monday 31/3/25

Thoughts for 2025. ……….

 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Bill.

For all intents and purposes it appears we have reached an acceptable  level of normality regarding our Scottish Country Dancing consequently   this ALERT will be discontinued but note the intention to make some parts of the Bill  permanent  -  click here for the latest news!!
















Danceboy. (A dancer on the Scottish  Country  Dance circuit) November 2018. Copyright Derboy Productions November 2003

My Crib Sheets

(for Graphics & MiniCrib crib sheets see club websites)

Inverness Ball 29/3/25

Ericht 21/2/25

Differential calculus never was Mummy’s strong-point!!

Helensburgh 25/3/25

Castle 22/2/25

Castle 8/3/25

Castle 22/3/25

Perth 100 4/4/25

New Kilpatrick 7/3/25

Abbeyview 31/3/25

Red Deer 24/2/25

Red Deer 17/2/25

Castle  5/4/25

Greenock Ball 21/3/25

Milngavie 11/4/25

Dunf & Ribble Valley 28/3/25

Troon 14/3/25

Trinity 1/3/25

Saltcoats 28/2/25